HAVE YOUR SAY: How can we build stronger business relationships between Australia and the Pacific?

| May 3, 2021

Australia’s relations with our Pacific neighbours has been recognised as being of  fundamental importance and vital interest to Australia.

As part of our First 5000 – Have your Say initiative, we invite you to answer the following question:

How can we build stronger business relationships between Australia and the Pacific?

Below we have included some blogs for inspiration:

Strengthening Australia’s relationships with the Pacific Islands – Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Inquiry to review key initiatives in the Pacific that enhance opportunities for women and girls – Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Activating trade and investment for a win-win in the Pacific – Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Australia-Pacific connections for a digital future – Benjamin Blackshaw
Helping enhance infrastructure in the Pacific – First 5000
Global connections made at the Pacific Connect ‘Women in Business & Digital Delivery’ – Trish Mackie Smith
Budget measures boost Pacific trade – Steven Ciobo
Asia-Pacific enterprises lead global digital disruption – ICDP
Pacific opportunities beckon Australian mid-sized firms – First 5000
Being a Consultant in the Pacific – Kenneth Katafono
Timely innovation to aid agribusinesses in Solomon Islands – ICDP
Summit for Pacific and Small Island Nations – First 5000
Innovative new pilot project to assist cocoa farmers to access export markets launched – Samantha Kies-Ryan
Supporting a ‘blue recovery’ in the Pacific: GAP Summit report – Catherine Fritz-Kalish
Fiji needs well-planned strategy to mobilise more resources – Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum

Post a comment on First 5000 – Have your Say on LinkedIn today or email editor@first5000.com.au with your story.

These blogs are regularly added to, so we invite you to come again.