6 Simple Strategies Businesses Can Use to Be More Sustainable

Over the last couple of years, sustainability and green practices climbed to the very top of the list of present-day business world requirements. And, honestly, it’s really not that hard to see where this trend came from. On the one hand, the present-day business world is definitely more altruistic and responsible than it was in previous decades. On the other hand, all the hardships we have experienced in recent years forced the entire society to become more frugal, optimized, and efficient.
Sustainability finds itself at the very core of both these tendencies.
Therefore, if you have considered putting your organization on more sustainable and optimized foundations, and saving a lot of money along the way, this might be just the right time to start the works. Here are a couple of tips to get you started.
Set goals and stick to them
As important as it is these days, sustainability is a very broad term that describes nothing. So, making your company more ‘sustainable’ makes it a very poor place to start your work. If you want to get any tangible results, you need to have a crystal-clear idea about what exactly you want to accomplish, when, and how will these efforts benefit your business in the future. Only when you get an idea of how much energy you want to save, how much waste you want to eliminate, how many work hours you want to optimize, and similar, will you be able to work backward to the specific sustainable strategies.
Reduce spent energy
No matter where your sustainability priorities may lay, preserving energy should definitely make it to the top of the list. Where to start? Well, reducing the old incandescent bulbs with newer LED or CFL varieties, leveraging motion-triggered sensors, and organizing shifts to maximize the use of natural light do make a good way to go. When you are finished, you can consider using other strategies like a higher level of automation, smart outlets and extensions, and replacing your devices and appliances with more energy-efficient models. All these isolated efforts produce excellent cumulative outcomes.
Keep the waste under control
Waste management makes one of the most important parts of the modern sustainability movement. So, be sure to take care of this important issue as well. First, your goal should be to reduce the level of waste you produce. Try to motivate your workers, then, to start using reusable products and move to the cloud infrastructure that makes a lot of physical business assets obsolete. Setting some kind of reward system for reducing waste will prove to be very useful as well. If you are running a large-scale gig, waste consulting services will take care of this issue in a very professional and efficient manner.
Start leveraging reusable energy
You can start this effort with something small like using solar-powered phone chargers and desktop lamps. Even these small measures can produce great results in the long run. But your ultimate goal should be to move to renewable energy sources on a much wider scale. This may sound like a hefty investment but governments all around the world, the United States included, are offering incentives for the purchase of solar energy systems which makes this situation much easier. Also, the transition to clean and renewable energy makes a killer PR move that can easily bring a slew of new clients under your roof.
Support local eco-friendly companies and vendors
The global sustainability movement is comprised of thousands of different parties all around the world. opting to work with such people and brands will give you access to numerous benefits. First, you will get access to sustainable materials and products made in accordance with fair trade rules. Second, you will support the local sustainable community, inspire customer loyalty, and may even get some exclusive deals with vendors. Finally, these close relations can easily translate to more tangible forms of cooperation, shared marketing initiatives, and joining resources to get more market clout.
Create a sustainable corporate culture
Last but not least, we would like to remind you that all the things we have covered above will have very limited effects if they fall on the deaf ears of your employees. That is why you should encourage a corporate culture that will reward and stimulate responsible, eco-friendly, and green practices. Giving your employees some sense of ownership over this process should definitely tie them closer to your goals. You can do that by forming some sort of sustainability committee that will propose new measures, oversee the implementation of existing ones, and take care of the sustainability bonuses.
These were the top six strategies you can use to make your company sustainable and optimized and make sure it is able to survive all the challenges of tomorrow. The last couple of years were very taxing for companies of all sizes and profiles. All signs point out that the period ahead won’t be any easier, either. Pushing forward to bring in new clients can solve this problem only to an extent. This hard work will bear much better results, however, if put on strong sustainable foundations.
Carolin Petterson is a businesswoman and content marketer with years of experience under her belt. She has had the opportunity to contribute to a number of popular business and marketing websites.