Starting a business as a woman: the challenges you will have to face

| November 11, 2019
Starting a Business as a Woman: The Challenges you will have to face

Starting a business is a dream most people have at some point in their lives. However, very few people actually take the necessary steps to make that dream into a reality. This is because starting a business is by no means an easy task and there are many challenges that have to be faced and overcame. This is especially true for women who have to face many additional problems and challenges when trying to start a business. However, not all is lost, and if you are trying to start a business as a woman today we are going to help you out by looking at some of the challenges you may have to face and how to overcome them.

Starting a Business as a Woman: The Challenges you will have to face

Finding the right work-life balance

In a world that is constantly asking us to give up more and more of our free time if we want to find success, it can often be hard for everyone to find a good work-life balance. However, when it comes to women entrepreneurs this problem is even greater, especially if they have to take care of their kids as well. The fact that society pressures them to neglect their careers in favour of their maternal roles can also cause strain and lead to difficulties. Because of this, you should look for ways to organize your time well. It will definitely be hard as you will have to put a lot of effort and make a lot of sacrifices but if you can make it you will know that despite the odds you achieved your dreams through hard work. Additionally, there are many different institutions as well as businesses that are there to help you with this task. For example, when it comes to taking care of your children, organisations such as the playgroup can provide them with an extensive range of different activities that will ensure your child develops to its full potential.

Fear of failure

Starting a business is very risky and no one is guaranteed certain success. The fear of failure is always present and can often be a big disadvantage that isn’t allowing people to realise their full potential. This is especially true for women as more often than not they can be faced with doubt from their friends and family from the first second their business opens. Finding yourself in a situation where no one believes in you can be tough on everyone and will certainly make you question your own abilities. Having said that, you have to understand that failure is an essential part of life and that almost anyone successful has gone through life without failing at least a couple of times. The world won’t end if you fail, you will just have to pick yourself up and try again. Once you’ve realised this and the fact that the only way to prove everyone who doubted you wrong is to succeed, you will be able to free yourself from your own doubts and really give your business idea everything you’ve got.

Securing the funding you need

Another very serious obstacle you will have to overcome is finding adequate ways to properly fund your business. A study has found that only 10% of venture-backed businesses are led by a female founder and this is only one of the many studies that go to show how difficult it can be for women to fund their projects. To overcome this, you should look to combine multiple sources of funding, from business loans to government grants in order to get the money your business needs. Remember that the key to securing funding for any business is a good business plan so make sure you have one that is always in top-notch shape.

Starting a Business as a Woman: The Challenges you will have to face


While it can definitely be hard to make a name for yourself as a woman entrepreneur, the challenges you face will ultimately serve as a great character builder and when you do make it you will be able to be that much more proud of yourself as you will be able to say that you did it despite all of the odds stacked against you.