Have your say: enhancing trans-Tasman economic integration
The Australian and New Zealand Productivity Commissions are seeking comments following the launch of an issues paper on options for further integrating the Australian and New Zealand economies.
Submissions close 31 May 2012.
The two Commissions have been asked to provide advice to the Australian and New Zealand governments on the opportunities, costs and benefits of further economic integration.
The study is being headed by the Commissions’ chairmen, Gary Banks and Murray Sherwin, together with Commissioners Jonathan Coppel (Australia) and Graham Scott (New Zealand).
The issues paper outlines the scope of the study and the approach being taken, and highlights areas where the commissions are seeking comment or information.
A draft report is due for release in early September, with the final report being delivered to the two Governments by 1 December, ahead of a meeting of the Prime Ministers in early 2013.
Further information on the study and the issues paper can be viewed on the study website at the Issues paper website.

Helen Hull is the editor of First 5000, the leading network for mid-sized businesses in Australia.