AI and emerging technologies will undeniably change the role of the manager and will allow employees to extend their degree of responsibility and influence, without taking on management tasks. Application leaders focused on innovation and AI are now accountable for improving worker experience, developing worker skills and building organizational competency in responsible use of AI.
“Application leaders will need to support a gradual transition to increased automation of management tasks as this functionality becomes increasingly available across more enterprise applications,” said Ms. Poitevin.AI to Foster Workplace Diversity Nearly 75% of heads of recruiting reported that talent shortages will have a major effect on their organizations.
Enterprises have been experiencing critical talent shortage for several years. Organizations need to consider people with disabilities, an untapped pool of critically skilled talent. Today, AI and other emerging technologies are making work more accessible for employees with disabilities.Gartner estimates that organizations actively employing people with disabilities have 89% higher retention rates, a 72% increase in employee productivity and a 29% increase in profitability.
In addition, Gartner said that by 2023, the number of people with disabilities employed will triple, due to AI and emerging technologies reducing barriers to access.
“Some organizations are successfully using AI to make work accessible for those with special needs,” said Ms. Poitevin. “Restaurants are piloting AI robotics technology that enables paralyzed employees to control robotic waiters remotely. With technologies like braille-readers and virtual reality, organizations are more open to opportunities to employ a diverse workforce.”
By 2022, organizations that do not employ people with disabilities will fall behind their competitors.
Gartner clients can read more in the report “Predicts 2020: AI and the Future of Work. More predictions on all aspects of the IT industry can be found in the Gartner Special Report “Predicts 2020: Barriers Fall as Technology Adoption Grows,” a collection of research aimed at helping CIOs and IT leaders understand how emerging technologies are moving past barriers to widespread adoption at scale.