How jellyfish can stop meetings veering off course
Nina Sochon | May 27, 2016Have you ever been in a meeting when one of your colleagues began to drift off course? Tangents in meetings can be amusing or annoying at best. They can also be
Vision for Australia: what to do when technology drives accelerating change
Nina Sochon | July 22, 2015Technology is and will continue to be a driving force for business and change in the future. As part of the ‘A Vision for Australia” consultation, Nina Sochon highlights the
Are you at risk of losing your best people?
Nina Sochon | March 24, 2015Creating a flexible work environment is important for staff retention. Nina Sochon who has been working on the Workplace Gender Equality
Is flexible work more important than you think?
Nina Sochon | October 21, 2014How are you keeping parents in your workforce? Nina Sochon highlights how employer expectations differ from the realities of when
Holistic approach key to telework success
Nina Sochon | August 28, 2014When implementing a telework program it is important to look at it from all angles. Nina Sochon explains it’s more
Senior managers vital for effective telework
Nina Sochon | July 3, 2014Is your company interested in allowing staff to work remotely? Nina Sochon identifies some of the key enablers of an effective
National Telework Week ROI tool
Nina Sochon | October 2, 2012The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has launched a website to assist companies and organisations