Victoria slashes red tape for small business
The Victorian Government claims it is making things easier for businesses, councils and industries across the state by slashing their regulatory burden, helping to grow the economy and create jobs.
By November this year, the Government will have delivered on its 2014 election promise to reduce Victoria’s gross regulatory burden by 25 per cent.
More than 250 new initiatives have been put in place to meet this commitment. These include:
Simplifying and streamlining the way Councils require, access and collect developer contributions to pay for infrastructure through the Planning and Environmental Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Act 2015.
Giving small business more information starting and growing a business, making retail leases fairer and easier to understand, and simplifying food safety regulation via the Small Business Regulation Review Program.
Making it easier for businesses to set up events and festivals and foster innovative ideas, and simplifying tourism road sign applications with the Visitor Economy Action Statement.
Allowing people to take away unfinished open bottles of liquor from licenced venues, making it easier for licenced venues that are changing hands, and simplifying licences for spirit producers through the Liquor and Gambling Amendment Act 2018.
The Labor Government has also created a ‘one-stop shop’ for red tape and regulatory improvements by merging the Red Tape Commissioner and Commissioner for Better Regulation.
The reduction of regulatory burden has been a whole of government initiative to improve the lives of all Victorians make it easier for businesses to create jobs.
Since the Labor Government was elected in 2014, more than 370,000 jobs have been created in Victoria – contributing to more than a third of the nation’s employment growth.
The State Treasurer Tim Pallas argued “We’ve delivered our commitment to reduce red tape by 25 per cent – making it easier for businesses to expand and create jobs and opportunities for more Victorians.”
“Slashing regulatory burden helps grow the Victorian economy, boosts productivity and creates jobs – with more than 370,000 jobs created since the Andrews Labor Government was elected.”
The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chief Executive Mark Stone said “We are very pleased with the Andrews Government’s commitment to reducing the regulatory burden on Victorian businesses.”
“Our members often tell us how regulation is a challenge for them to hire more people, so slashing red tape will help businesses grow and create more jobs. Cutting red tape is a business priority and part of our 2018 State Election campaign – Stronger Business, Stronger Victoria. It’s great to see Government’s leadership in supporting the Victorian business community.”