Tips to design workplaces for maximum productivity

| November 18, 2019

How do you define workplace productivity? Many businesses measure productivity in terms of efficiency. Employees can be efficient, but they also hit a productive wall. If the work environment does not keep them happy, they lose motivation, and the results can be devastating for the company.

In a bid to improve productivity, many businesses are putting more thought into workplace design. They are designing workspaces that allow efficiency and provide room for creativity. If you are looking to maximise productivity, see these workplace designs to inspire your ideas. The following tips will also come in handy in designing your work environment for efficiency.

Be creative with lighting

When creating an optimal workspace design, light is an essential element. Different types of lighting affect people differently. Some will elevate their mood and foster productivity, while others have a negative effect. Bad lighting often causes headaches, eyestrain, and fatigue.

Therefore, you should know the kind of light to introduce into the office. For instance, warm light from lamps always has a calming effect and tends to make the office inviting. Natural light has been linked to wellness and productivity. 

Thus, you should ensure the office has enough natural light. Ensure the windows are open to let in sunlight, or you can install floodlights to the ceiling.

Choose the colour scheme wisely

Colours affect a person’s mood and brain function. Have you ever been irritated by a colour scheme that you got a headache? In a work environment, the colour palette should be calming and evoke creativity. 

For instance, green promotes innovation and feelings of balance in the work environment. Blue is used in most offices because of its calming effect and effectiveness in boosting productivity. 

You should avoid red in offices. While it leads to an energetic boost, the feeling is short-lived. Besides, the colour is emotionally intense and can be overwhelming.

Invest in suitable furniture

When the chair and the table are a wrong fit, you will find yourself adjusting every few minutes for comfort. Moving too often affects your focus. Therefore, if you want your employees to accomplish more tasks without discomfort, you should invest in the right desks. The chair should be adjustable to accommodate different heights. The tables should also be of appropriate height for comfort when working on the computer.

Get rid of clutter

While sometimes we associate clutter with creativity, it may not be the best idea for a work environment. Therefore, ensure the office is clean to avoid distractions. Encourage employees to keep items that are not in use out of sight and organise their workspace.

Regulate noise

Noise is a significant cause of distraction in an office. It affects the employee’s concentration and elevates stress levels. Therefore, if you want to boost productivity, you should find ways to regulate noise within the workspace. You can give your employees noise-cancelling headphones to help them focus on the task without the environmental noise. 

You can also invest in sound masking appliances. If the noise is arising from other employees in the office, the ideal solution is to create a social room. The rooms can be used for breaks and interactions without distracting other staff.

Create varied office spaces

The debate on whether to choose an open plan or closed cubicles has been going on for long. Unfortunately, to maximise productivity, you have to blend the two layouts. While open-plan reduces isolation and promotes creativity, some employees require privacy to concentrate on work. Therefore, you should have varied workspaces to accommodate the roles of various employees.

Workplace design and productivity go hand-in-hand. Therefore, your office design should reflect your business goals while keeping the employees happy.