The right use of power
Jenny Morawska believes that women need to understand their power, stand in that power and use it ethically.
We talk about power all the time – do we really understand what it is and how to use it?
In my experience women leaders have traditionally had an ambivalent attitude to power. Masculine models of power have been adopted as the benchmark for women executives for decades.
Is this changing? Yes, this is starting to shift as women (and men) explore their relationship with power and begin to own their individual styles.
Remember, it is important to be intentional about what you are seeking as a woman leader. There is no single model of power that works for everyone.
What do we need to know about power?
The key to using our power wisely is to understand the impact of our actions on other people and to be aware of the appropriateness of these actions.
How can we use our power ethically?
In order to use power ethically in the business landscape it is necessary for us to develop an awareness of the concept of power and what it means to us. Also we need to understand how power impacts on our lives, both in business and personally, and to develop skills to enhance the right or ethical use of power.
What is the right use of power?
The right use of power is achieving what you want without the use of manipulation, coercion, or other more subtle and elusive forms of power. True power lies in clarity and conviction. Finding and articulating your passion and purpose will allow you to stand in your power.
Right use of power requires you to be comfortable with your power, face your fears and act with power. No one will willingly step aside and cede their power to you. You have to step forward and take it yourself.
There are four things we all need to do to develop right use of power:
1. Be informed
2. Be conscious
3. Be caring
4. Be skillful
Ultimately we all have choice. We can choose to be powerless or we can be comfortable with our power.
If we respect ourselves and others and take responsibility for our actions, then the right use of power will follow.
Besides, the right use of power can dramatically improve the bottom line of any business entity!
Jenny Morawska is CEO of The Morawska Group. She is the Conference Director at Macquarie University’s Women, Management and Work conference taking place on 12-13 July 2012. The conference will empower women to take control of their career by building on, and embracing, their full potential to become influential leaders in their field.
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