Have your say: Work health and safety Codes of Practice
Helen Hull | August 1, 2012
To support the Model Work Health and Safety Act, Safe Work Australia have released the fourth set of draft model Codes of Practice. You are invited to have your say.
Submissions close: Friday 24 August 2012.
The draft Codes of Practice released for public comment are:
- Managing Risks in Forestry Operations
- Industrial lift trucks
- Cranes
- Amusement devices
- Managing Risks of Plant used in Rural Workplaces, and
- Managing Security Risks in the Cash-in-transit Industry.
The draft Guides released for public comment are:
- Guide for Managing Risks in Cable Logging, developed to support the draft Code for forestry operations, and
Further information is available at the Safe Work Australia website.

Helen Hull is the editor of First 5000, the leading network for mid-sized businesses in Australia.