HAVE YOUR SAY: What does the ‘new normal’ look like for your business?

While Australia initially escaped the worst of COVID-19, the Delta variant has forced a new wave of lockdowns and hampered economic recovery.
The Australian economy is still expected to bounce back strongly once restrictions are lifted, but the immediate outlook is less certain. Significant public debts have been accrued, and broader questions around supply chain resilience, workforce requirements, opportunity and innovation remain.
In conjunction with First 5000’s parent company, Global Access Partners, and its Annual Summit, we will explore the New Normal and will focus on ideas about how to build the workforce Australia needs to support its recovery efforts in order to encourage sustained and inclusive economic growth.
As part of the initiative we invite you to have your say about what changes you have made to your business as a result of COVID-19 and what you think the broader future is for Australian companies.
What does the ‘new normal’ look like for your business?
Post a comment on First 5000 – Have your Say on LinkedIn today or email editor@first5000.com.au with your story.
For inspiration, here’s some blog posts on the topic.
Venture capital helps large corporations’ love-hate relationship with startups – First 5000
The 6 considerations to make hybrid work, work – Colin D Ellis
Crisis and Opportunity. What will your ‘New Normal’ look like? – Bronwyn Reid
ANZ business travellers are ready to restart travelling despite the global pandemic – Fabian Calle
Australia – A complacent nation – John Blackburn
Global accounting profession unites to target net zero emissions – CPA Australia and CA ANZ
Why risk is a pathway to opportunity – Lisa Sisson
Backing our own know-how: a choice we should make – Ed Husic MP
Your talent is on the fly! Here is everything you to do to keep them – Zivit Inbar
How has COVID changed the way we should collaborate and innovate? – Kate Bettes
Not-so-free trade in the Asia Pacific – Shaun Cameron
The New Normal – the rise of business with purpose – Bronwyn Reid
Back in business: 5 ways to optimise your marketing strategy after COVID-19 – Derek Lotts
Report calls for permanent mental health committee – House Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
No “snap back” for lowest income earners between lockdowns – Brotherhood of St. Laurence
Welcome to the “new normal” – Emi Berry
Seven post-pandemic predictions for B2B customer experience – Pitney Bowes
Committee to examine impact of pandemic responses on workplace disputes – Andrew Laming MP
People languish on income support payments for over a year, and more to join in wake of COVID: report – Australian Council of Social Service
Ongoing support for small business key to recovery – Bruce Billson
Eight free weeks: Time stolen from employees skyrockets during COVID – Centre for Future Work
How to ensure your organisation flourishes in uncertain times – Lynda Folan
Ethics Index 2021 released: After a tumultuous, locked down year, nation’s ethical score tumbles – Governance Institute of Australia
Further steps taken to reopen Australia, support economic recovery – Scott Morrison
Online purchases prove popular in pandemic – Monash University
Hiring and workforce trends after COVID – Derek Lotts
Future-proofing workplaces, cities from COVID-19 requires fundamental cultural change – GSK Australia
5 big post-pandemic trends are emerging – Bronwyn Reid
Tech platform helping Australian retailers thrive post lockdown – Nati Harpaz
For those of you who have followed First 5000 for some time we asked a similar question in May 2020.
If you’d like to see what businesses were saying at the start of the pandemic go to our list of blogs at: HAVE YOUR SAY: How is your business going to do things differently post COVID-19?