ICT industry slams new Federal encryption bill
First 5000 | October 30, 2018The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), has outlined its doubts about the Federal Government’s new internet encryption bill in its current form.
90% of companies don’t have the cybersecurity culture they want
First 5000 | October 18, 2018With cybersecurity threats continuing to escalate worldwide, a new report finds that just 5 per cent of employees think their organisation’s cybersecurity culture is able to protect their business from internal and external exploitation.
5 ways to reduce your cyber security risk
Nathan Stanfield | October 12, 2018We tend to think of cyber security risk as being more of an issue for IT departments and security organisations. However, cyber security risk is more likely to affect small-to-medium sized businesses, who are less likely to have effective security measures in place.
New cyber report highlights password vulnerabilities
First 5000 | September 15, 2018WatchGuard’s latest Internet Security Report uncovers cybercriminals’ heightened use of credential-focused attacks, the continued prevalence of malicious Office documents, and a range of other security threats to businesses and organisations.
Watch out for “remote access” scams
First 5000 | August 28, 2018Scammers are increasingly catching out people by impersonating well-known businesses or the police so they can get access to computers and steal money or banking information.
Private health tops data breaches
First 5000 | August 2, 2018Private health firms and financial services topped the list of sectors reporting data breaches in the latest quarterly report released by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Watch out, tax scams about!
First 5000 | July 11, 2018As Tax Time 2018 begins, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is warning taxpayers to be on high alert for tax-related scams.
Gartner identifies the top six security and risk management trends
First 5000 | July 5, 2018Business leaders are becoming increasingly conscious of the impact cybersecurity can have on business outcomes. Security leaders should harness this increased support and take advantage of six emerging trends to improve their organisation’s resilience while elevating their own standing.
Domain name scammer fined $1.95 million
First 5000 | June 27, 2018The ACCC has warned small businesses to be vigilant when receiving invoices for domain renewals after a fraudster sent out 300,000 unsolicited demands for payment and netted over $2 million from deceived SMEs.
How to safeguard your finances from cybercrime this tax season
Mark Gorrie | June 19, 2018Norton security expert Mark Gorrie offers ten top tax time tips to help businesses and individuals protect themselves from online fraud during EOFY.
Fighting cyber stealth attacks on financial services
Tom Kellermann | June 9, 2018Cyber attacks against the financial services industry are increasing in sophistication and are often undetectable, global and instantaneous in nature.
Are your lawyers putting your company’s data at risk?
First 5000 | May 26, 2018Confidential and highly sensitive client data is at risk of exposure according to the authors of new research which reveals the lax, and often non-existent, cyber security practices of Australian lawyers.
Australians lost $340 million to scammers in 2017
First 5000 | May 22, 2018Australians lost more money to scammers in 2017 than in any other year since the ACCC began reporting on scam activity.
Time to admit we’re failing on cybercrime
Fergus Hanson | April 1, 2018The first step in solving a problem is recognising that there is one. When it comes to tackling cybercrime, it’s time to admit our approach isn’t working.
You are a security threat!
Stephen Barnes | March 23, 2018Business expert Stephen Barnes of Byronvale Advisors concludes his series on cyber-crime with a reminder to check what you reveal of yourself online and safeguard physical data too.