UPDATE: Don’t ignore the power of direct mail

| October 19, 2010

When was the last time you hand-wrote a letter?

As we become increasingly tied to our computer and mobile screens, it’s easy to overlook traditional means of communication in favour of the instantaneous and often cheaper digital alternatives.

But commercial insights firm Dun & Bradstreet warns businesses not to ignore direct mail in their marketing strategies.

It argues the “lick and stick” approach still holds a valuable place and well-positioned campaigns can have even greater impact in an age of digital advertising saturation.

Research conducted by Australia Post revealed 70 per cent of promotional material received by households is read, filed and passed on. More than one third of recipients will respond if an offer is included.

Advantages of direct mail campaigns include the ability to target and tailor messages, and offer tangible benefits to the reader in a way that cuts-through the onslaught of online marketing.

So is it time you considered marketing by mail?

Find out more take a look at the Dun & Bradstreet report Direct Mail: not dead by any stretch or their Tips on Direct Mail Campaigns