Better interview techniques for recruiting

| March 13, 2012



Employers will need to sharpen up on their interview techniques according to Sarina Russo, Founder and Managing Director of Sarina Russo Job Access.

Many employers will miss out on the best applicant and cost themselves time, energy and money because they lack basic interview techniques. 

Compared to the amount interview tip information for jobseekers, employers are constantly overlooked when it comes to being educated on how to recruit the right person.

It’s so important the interview is a positive experience which sells the benefits of working for the company.

It’s amazing how many job applicants turn down job offers due to a bad interview experience.

Basically, there are three basic rules of recruitment – CAN DO skills and experience, WILL DO attitude and personality and WILL FIT company culture.

Employers must understand an interview is an exchange of information and they must control the interview by asking the right questions. 

To assist employers make the right decision Sarina Russo Job Access has developed a simple 10-point recruitment plan.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule. Get the jobseeker to do 80% of the talking. The person asking questions and listening is the person who’s in control of the interview.

2. Ask open ended questions beginning with “what”, “how”, “why”, “when”, or “where”.  They invite long answers that encourage jobseekers to do most of the taking.  Example: “When were you a member of a team? Can you describe what it was like?” “What would you do if …?”, “How did you handle a situation where …”

3. Avoid closed questions beginning with “did”, “would”, “do”, and “are”.  These questions can be answered “yes” or “no”.  They do not encourage jobseekers to talk.  Example: “Do you have any experience working on a team?” 

4. Ask probing questions beginning with “Tell me more”, “Describe to me” and “Explain to me”. 

5. Use the power of silence. Pause while waiting for a real answer.  Don’t ever underestimate the value of a silence in an interview.

6. A jobseeker’s past job performance is the surest guide to their future performance.

7. A good job fit = the right education + the right experience + a compatible personality.

8. Focus on the job requirements and the candidate’s qualifications.

9. Help the jobseeker feel at ease at the beginning of the interview. They’ll open up and talk more freely.

10. Don’t make assumptions. Look for repeat patterns of behaviour to draw conclusions about the jobseeker.

A well conducted and constructed interview benefits both parties because an informed recruitment decision can be made.


Sarina Russo is the founder and managing director of the education, recruitment and investment companies that form the Sarina Russo Group. Having worked in various legal secretary roles and as a part-time typing teacher, Russo launched her own business ‘The Office Business Academy’ in 1979. The business started with nine students, and now, more than 5000 students graduate annually from Sarina Russo Schools and Sarina Russo Job Access places over 25,000 people into employment.