Balancing growth with satisfaction

| July 17, 2012


Sometimes it’s good to take stock of where your business is at and how you are servicing your existing clients. Shivani Gupta shares her experience in creating the right balance.

These past few months I have found myself busy with clients and many projects but still rushing from meeting to meeting, always searching for more opportunities.

I realised I was at risk of spreading myself too thinly and, worse, neglecting existing clients and staff.

As leaders and managers we must always have an eye out for opportunities for growth but I resolved to check my relentless pursuit of the new. Times are tough for many sectors of the economy at the moment but it is still important to be grateful for what we have.

We know the benefits of investing in and retaining staff. The same principle applies to clients or customers.  Before or as well as chasing new prospects, look to see if you could be offering more to your current clients.

Have you checked to see if they are interested in your other products or services? Are there other services they would like that you could offer? What better way to expand your service offering than with a client with whom you are in sync.

Growth is important in business but it is not the be all and end all, particularly if it erodes staff and client satisfaction. If you and your staff are not generally satisfied at work then your business will not be as productive and ultimately it may be unsustainable.

Shivani Gupta is CEO of leadership coaching firm Passionate People.